Panel gives you an interface that is complete with everything you need. You can choose the tools that you need. You can manage your email and your account, create your domains, back up your accounts, and get access to your files. You can also leverage on cPanel’s security section tool that will give your account the protection that it needs so it will not be accessed by anyone without your permission. cPanel’s security section includes very useful tools such as the IP Deny Manager, Leech Protect, Password Protect Priorities, and Site Security Check. Another good thing about cPanel’s security system is that you can choose to protect selected parts of your website from unauthorized access.
Here are the tools and features which you can use to ensure that your site is protected:
- Password protect directories. By doing this, you can limit the access to specific sections or resources of your website through protecting the directories where you stored them. You can use a password to do this.
- IP Deny Manager. Take advantage of this feature as it allows you to prevent a domain name, an IP address or even a range of IP addresses from accessing your site.
- Hotlink protection. This will help your protect your business as this will help you prevent other website from directly linking to files on your own site.
- Leech protect. This feature is also useful as it allows you to prevent your users from giving out or publicly posting their password to a restricted area of your site. This feature will redirect accounts which have been compromised to a url of your choice
- Site Security Check. This emphasizes the importance of keeping your website safe and secure through careful and responsible web site management. This tool allows you to achieve your business goals and is aimed towards providing your business with rooms for growth and expansion. This feature allows your domain names to be not identified as potential threats by Google Safe browsing and other similar applications.